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Discover New & Old Times Music On Our 24/7 Online Psychedelic Rock Radio Station is an online 24/7 radio station dedicated to bringing you the best in mind-bending, genre-defying psychedelic rock music. Our carefully curated playlist features a wide range of artists from the 1960s to the present day, showcasing the evolution of psychedelic rock over the past six decades.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan of classic acts like The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Jimi Hendrix, or you’re interested in discovering new artists who are pushing the boundaries of the genre, has something for everyone. We’re passionate about sharing the most innovative, creative, and experimental music out there, and we’re constantly updating our playlist with new tracks from both established and emerging artists.

One of the things that sets apart from other psychedelic rock radio stations is our commitment to providing a truly immersive listening experience. Our station is designed to take you on a journey through the history of psychedelic rock, from the early days of the genre to its most cutting-edge contemporary forms. We don’t just play music – we create a complete audio landscape that transports you to another world, whether you’re listening at home, in your car, or on the go.

Our programming includes everything from classic albums and deep cuts to live performances, remixes, and rarities that you won’t find anywhere else. We also feature interviews with artists, music historians, and other experts who can provide context and insight into the music we play. Whether you’re a casual listener or a serious music aficionado, we’re confident that you’ll find something to love on

Growing Psychedelic Rock Community Around Our Radio Station

Another thing that sets us apart from other radio stations is our commitment to community. We believe that music is a powerful force that can bring people together, and we’re dedicated to fostering a sense of connection and shared experience among our listeners. We encourage our listeners to interact with us and with each other through social media, online forums, and other channels. We also provide opportunities for local bands and artists to get exposure through our station, and we’re always looking for ways to support the broader psychedelic rock community.

We’re also committed to providing a user-friendly, high-quality listening experience that works across all devices and platforms. Our website is easy to navigate and mobile-responsive, so you can tune in from anywhere with an internet connection to our psychedelic rock radio. We also provide high-quality streaming and on-demand playback, so you can listen to your favorite shows and tracks whenever you want.

Overall, is more than just a radio station – it’s a community of music lovers who are passionate about exploring the limitless possibilities of psychedelic rock. Whether you’re looking to discover new artists, deepen your appreciation for classic acts, or connect with like-minded listeners from around the world, we invite you to join us on this incredible musical journey. So crank up the volume, put on your headphones, and get ready to expand your mind with

What Should I Expect?

You can expect to have a rich and immersive listening experience that will expand your mind and deepen your love of music. Whether you’re tuning in for the first time or you’re a long-time fan of psychedelic rock, we invite you to join us on this incredible musical journey.

At our station, we offer a hand-picked selection of the very best psychedelic rock radio, all in one place. Our team of music experts carefully curates our playlist to ensure that every track we play is of the highest quality and reflects the diverse range of sounds and styles that make up the psychedelic rock genre.

Psychedelic Rock Radio